The study drug is a new potential mixed treatment to treat and prevent cardiovascular diseases.
The CBD & Statin study is exploring the benefits of a mixture of two already available medications you may have heard of - LIPITOR® (atorvastatin calcium) and EPIDIOLEX® (Cannabidiol). The combination of both medications into a single dose aims to reduce side effects like muscle pain and the risk of diabetes commonly known to be concerns for patients solely on Lipitor. This dual-form medication is anticipated to not only lessen side effects but also improve patient compliance with their treatment & medication regime as a result.
LIPITOR® is used to treat high cholesterol which can lead to heart problems in people who are at risk and is approved for prescription in many places like the U.S., Europe, and Australia. Statins, like LIPITOR®, are already known to be great at managing heart disease, but they can have side effects that make some people stop taking them within the first year.
Approximately 45% of the population can’t continue experiencing the lifesaving benefits of statins due to undesirable side effects. If this study is successful, the combined medications could make statin therapy a more practical treatment option for a larger population of patients, also helping more people stick to their treatment and stay healthy.
EPIDIOLEX® is used to treat seizures and is known to help reduce inflammation and protect the body’s cells. This combo with Lipitor is hoped to potentially lead to patients needing less Lipitor - meaning even less side effects.
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